Fayette County, PA Bigfoot Sighting Reported-March 21, 2013


Fayette County, PA Bigfoot Sighting Reported

March 21, 2013- Fayette County, PA

A report of a Bigfoot encounter is being investigated by the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society. The following report was provided by Eric Altman, Director of the PBS. The incident occurred about 2:30 AM on the morning of March 21, 2013, in rural Fayette County. There was a full moon at the time, and the area was well lit and the conditions were dry.

The witness who was doing some part time security work at the time was making his rounds and driving down a back road.  He was driving by the entrance of a gas well site and had his high beams on when he noticed something in the vicinity of the pump.

The man stopped his vehicle and shined a spotlight on that area to obtain a better look. That is when he saw the creature. The witness told Altman that he saw a creature that was approximately 8 feet tall, and covered with reddish-brown hair. The facial area looked similar to a cave man, and the animal was estimated to weigh about 400 to 500 lbs.  Since the field was on private property the man did not move towards the area. Once the creature had moved off  and could no longer be seen, the witness continued on.  The man filed a report of his encounter with the PBS a few days later.

On March 30, 2013, Eric Altman and a team of PBS members drove to the area of the sighting  and met with the witness. The man took them to the location where the sighting had taken place. After obtaining permission from the land owner, a search was conducted for any evidence, but nothing was found. The PBS conducted an interview with the witness and found his testimony to be credible and felt that he was being honest about his observation.

Other Bigfoot sightings have been reported around Fayette County within a 10-15 mile radius of this location during the last few years.

For more information visit the PBS website@ http://www.pabigfootsociety.com/