Large Footprints in Fresh Snow Suddenly Stop and Vanish (North Huntingdon, PA)

Large Footprints in Fresh Snow Suddenly Stop and Vanish (North Huntingdon, PA)

Still capture from video used with permission of the witness.

Still capture from video used with permission of the witness.

Still image from video used with permission of the witness.

(Posted 10/22/18)

I have been researching Bigfoot and other phenomena since 1959, and began to conduct in the field investigations in 1965. It was during the major Bigfoot and UFO outbreak that occurred in Pennsylvania  in 1973, that some very strange details began to surface concerning these mysterious creatures.

My research teams were responding to these incidents as they were being reported, and we were on the scene of many of these incidents within minutes to hours after they had occurred. We interviewed many frightened witnesses, observed unusual animal reactions that were common with dogs that were close to a Bigfoot, and observed various types of physical evidence at some locations.

Some of the initial occurrences that caught our attention were cases where trails of odd footprints with large strides would be observed over a distance in various ground conditions, then just suddenly stop and vanish. Over the years ,this has also been seen in fresh heavy snow. There were no other tracks around and no evidence of a hoax.

There is a comment I recall from one witness from the 1973 Bigfoot wave. The man was a non-believer in Bigfoot until he had one standing only feet away from his mobile home. The witness was terrified when he called the state police to report the close encounter with the creature. The fellow had cut his lawn that evening and the creature left its 14 inch long tracks in the fresh cut grass, and on his patio where it was observed. In one area the tracks ended abruptly. The witness after seeing that the tracks had just stopped, asked me if these creatures could fly, since what he saw was so unusual.

Bigfoot may not be able to fly, but many reports from people from widespread areas of the state as well as from across the country and elsewhere indicate that there may be more to Bigfoot than just an unknown flesh and blood animal specimen. In my book, “Silent Invasion: The Pennsylvania UFO-Bigfoot Casebook,” I go into detail of many of the very strange cases of the early 1970s that suggests this possibility. Years ago I began to question the lack of a body being found after so many years of observations.

I receive reports of Bigfoot sightings, cryptids, and UFOs on a yearly basis from Pennsylvania and elsewhere.  Some very strange details continue to be reported with some of these creature encounters. My illustrated lecture, “Strange Aspects of the Elusive Bigfoot”, delves deeply into information that suggests that at least some Bigfoot creatures appear to be something other than a mysterious unclassified animal.

Recently, I received a video of a series of large footprints in fresh snow that was taken in January of 2018, in North Huntingdon Township, Pennsylvania. It had snowed during the early morning hours and the family noticed them when they looked outside. I interviewed the wife and husband whose property this had taken place at. They recalled seeing a series of footprints about 16 inches long with a stride of about 4-5 feet between each track.

The family was startled because the tracks seemed to just suddenly appear in the yard with no entrance point, then continued on about 70 feet across the yard. The tracks continued until they reached a play area for children and then suddenly just stopped and vanished. A witness in this case made a similar comment to the one made by the 1973 witness that I had referred to earlier. “Like something was walking then flew away or something like that.”  The general area where these tracks were found has a long history of Bigfoot encounters.

Since the late 1960s, I have interviewed hundreds of people from across the state of Pennsylvania  and from all walks of life who have encountered what they believe was a Bigfoot. These sightings continue to be recorded yearly with a number of encounters reported in 2018.

If you want to report a Bigfoot, cryptid, UFO or other strange incident, I can be reached at 724-838-7768, or via email at: