Low Level UFO Activity Reported in Pennsylvania During October and November 2021

Low Level UFO Activity Reported in Pennsylvania During October and November 2021

From Researcher: Stan Gordon

There has been a number of UFO incidents reported during October and November, 2021 from areas of Pennsylvania. Low level UFO encounters have been reported from Butler, Fayette and Westmoreland counties. Other UFO sightings have reportedly taken place in other sections of the state including in the eastern part of Pennsylvania.

I am still gathering information on some of these reports, and I will be posting more details as they are available. A significant close range UFO incident is currently being investigated that occurred in Fayette county last week.

Please contact me if you have seen anything unusual relating to UFOs, Bigfoot, cryptids, or other anomalies. I can be called at 724-838-7768 or email me at: paufo@comcast.net.