Southwestern PA HauntedCON-May 15, 2021, Waynesburg, PA.

The Greene County Historical Society, Waynesburg, PA
Photo Credit: Greene County Historical Society.

Southwestern PA HauntedCON-May15, 2021-Waynesburg, PA

Do ghosts, UFOs, Bigfoot, and other strange creatures lurk in the woods and forests of Pennsylvania? You can learn about the history and latest reports of these mysterious incidents at the 2021 SWPA HauntedCon in Waynesburg.

The SWPA HauntedCon will take place on May 15, 2021 at the Greene County Historical Society, 918 Rolling Meadows Road, in Waynesburg, PA. The event is scheduled from 10AM-5 PM. Admission is $20.00.

There will be authors and speakers with displays and discussing subjects from paranormal investigations to encounters with UFOs, and Bigfoot. The SWPA HauntedCon this year will feature Kevin Paul, Ron Murphy, Joey and Tonya Madia, Paranormal Quest’s Steve Hummel, Stan Gordon (will be giving a virtual presentation discussing some of the Bigfoot and cryptid cases that occurred in Pennsylvania in recent years, as well as the recent 2021 UFO wave that took place in the Greater Pittsburgh area.) Northern Appalachian Paranormal Society, Native American Reenactor, Ghost in the Head. There will also be Lectures, Food, Vendors, and Seers.

For information call: 724-627-3204

KECKSBURG UFO FESTIVAL 2021 CANCELLED Due To The Virus Situation: Kecksburg, Pennsylvania

The Kecksburg UFO Mockup on display at the Kecksburg V.F.D. department grounds.

KECKSBURG UFO FESTIVAL 2021 CANCELLED Due To The Virus Situation:  Kecksburg, Pennsylvania

I talked with Ronnie Struble, chairman of the Kecksburg V.F.D. UFO Committee. He informed me that a decision was made to cancel the 2021 Kecksburg UFO Festival. Keep checking the Kecksburg V.F.D. website for any updates and news.

Stan Gordon

The Kecksburg UFO Festival for 2021 has been canceled due to the Coronavirus. As you know, we had 3-5,000 customers and vendors show up to our last festival from all over our border and are concerned that such a large crowd could lead to a local outbreak. With respect for all, during these uncertain times, we have once again made the decision to move the festival into next year.

I want to thank all for their support because without them we could not do what we do in Kecksburg. We are in different times now and want to keep everyone safe. I also want to thank all our people who come to help each and every year.

We are rescheduling the Kecksburg VFD UFO festival for, July 29,30,31 2022. We look forward to seeing you all there and be safe. Please forward this on to family and friends!
Any questions, call 724-423-9540, or 724-423-2580 or email,
Thanks Again!
Ronnie Struble

Daylight Video of a UFO near Sissonville, West Virginia Similar to other Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 2021

Daylight Video of a UFO near Sissonville, West Virginia Similar to other Pennsylvania UFO Sightings in 2021

From Researcher: Stan Gordon 

I received information from Ron Laham of the West Virginia High Strangeness Collective that a witness had observed and recorded a video of a UFO on March 26, 2021 near Sissonville, West Virginia.

The sighting is similar to other UFO reports received in western Pennsylvania in 2021 and previous years. I also received other UFO reports from western Pennsylvania on the same day the West Virginia video was taken.  You can view the video here:

Ron Laham and Joe Perdue founded the West Virginia High Strangeness Collective in 2020 and they hostWild & Weird Radio. Check out their website at: UFO Cryptid & Paranormal Art | Wild & Weird West Virginia (

Numerous UFO Sightings Are Being Reported in the Pittsburgh Area and From Across Pennsylvania. March 29, 2021.

Numerous UFO Sightings Are Being Reported in the Pittsburgh Area and From Across Pennsylvania. March 29, 2021.

From Researcher: Stan Gordon

To Report A UFO sighting or other phenomena in Pennsylvania call 724-838-7768 or email:

There has been a surge of UFO sightings reported from the greater Pittsburgh area as well as from other locations in the state in recent weeks. I have been receiving an increase in direct reports of strange aerial objects being observed in the sky in recent weeks. UFO incidents have also been reported to other sources as well. This wave of UFO reports seems to have started during late February and is continuing to be active in recent days.

  • In early March, three white circular lights in a triangular configuration were reported from Cambria county. The objects were observed for a few minutes then suddenly vanished.
  • There have also been reports of triangular shaped objects from other locations.
  • A daylight observation of  a large black rectangular object was reported from Bedford county.
  • Reports of large glowing spherical objects, some seen at low level and close to homes.
  • Bright objects moving straight up into the night sky and disappearing.
  • Sightings of small spheres of light that are close to the ground are continuing to be reported.
  • Residents from different locations are reporting that unusual luminous objects are being recorded on their game and security cameras.
  • Dan Hageman of the BORU (Butler Organization for Research of the Unexplained) reports that there have been multiple reports of fireballs and spheres all over Butler county during March.
Photo of triangular object taken in 2020 near Latrobe, PA. Photo used with permission of the witness.

The following are some of the cases Dan is investigating:

March 2- A witness reported seeing three shiny silver spheres moving from west to east in a straight line. They looked shiny, silver in color, and glowing. They looked equally spaced apart and were moving very fast. The witness watched them as they moved off in the distance.

March 8- A witness observed a shiny bright cigar-shaped object in the morning sky. The sky was generally clear with some fluffy clouds around. The object did not appear to have any wings or a tail section. The witness indicated that the object was so bright he had to squint his eyes to view it. The witness, who was very familiar with aircraft, stopped his vehicle and got out to take a better look at the object. The object moved into a cloud but never exited from it.

March 11- A man was in his kitchen during the evening when he began to feel a strange vibration and heard a low rumble. He then realized that the sliding glass door to his deck was vibrating. As he looked out the door, the man noticed a very bright and very large pulsating round object just above the trees at the edge of his yard. The light from the object illuminated his backyard as though it was in the middle of the day. He stepped out on the deck and was awe struck by what he saw. At that time, he felt a tingling sensation, his hair stood up on end, and he had chill bumps on his body. He called to his wife and he hurried inside to get a camera but when he returned it was gone.

March 18-A person driving on Route 8 near Butler observed yellow-white blinking lights just above some trees. The lights were on the bottom of each corner of a large silver triangular object that appeared to be hovering. The object began to move up above the trees. The witness was going to pull over and take a picture, but the object had disappeared.

I also received a UFO report that occurred on March 18th during the evening from another location in Butler county. The witness was traveling down the road when he saw in the distance a large round orange sphere. The object was gliding off to the left through the sky. It was about 200 feet off the ground and would alternate in brightness and change from orange to a white color.

In recent days, witnesses in a wooded area of Fayette county observed a brilliant orange luminous object in the treetops that moved up and down and suddenly vanished. Soon after, unusual sounds were heard from the woods.

Other strange incidents have also been reported since January from various locations in the state.

If you have seen or heard anything unusual in Pennsylvania, please contact me at 724-838-7768 or email: I am also interested in reports from other states and areas as well.

Strange Incidents Continue to Be Reported Along the Chestnut Ridge in Pennsylvania -March 21, 2021

Strange Incidents Continue to Be Reported Along the Chestnut Ridge in Pennsylvania -March 21, 2021

From Researcher: Stan Gordon

A section of the Chestnut Ridge as observed from the Derry Township area
(Stan Gordon Files)

It was in the late 1960s when I was investigating a daylight low level UFO sighting near New Alexandria, that I first heard about the strange incidents that had been taking place along the nearby Chestnut Ridge in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. People I talked with from the area told me that there had been many unusual happening on the ridge and at locations near the ridge.

I was told about UFO sightings, encounters with Bigfoot, underground sounds, ghostly apparitions, even something like a doorway that supposedly opened and closed in the side of the mountain. A lot of this activity seemed to be taking place around the Derry Township section of the Chestnut Ridge.

The Chestnut Ridge spreads through sections of Westmoreland, Fayette, and Indiana Counties in Pennsylvania and extends into Preston County, West Virginia.

As the years went by, I found out that these anomalies had been going on for years along the ridge. I interviewed a witness who gave me detailed information concerning a Bigfoot that visited her family’s farm near Indianhead in 1931.

The Westmoreland and Fayette County sections of the ridge seems to be the most active, and many people who live along these areas have contacted me to report various strange occurrences. There have been close encounters with Bigfoot, Thunderbirds, Black panthers, strange entities, low level UFO sightings, encounters with small balls of light, mysterious loud vocalizations and mystery booms, unusual footprints in the snow, falls from the sky, and many other very strange incidents. Various mysterious incidents have continued to take place in past years and during the last few years.

On June 4, 2019, an interesting low level UFO sighting took place near the Youngstown side of the ridge.

I have been receiving some interesting reports from various locations around the Chestnut Ridge area that have occurred during 2021. In late January, a resident reported loud howls and vocalizations unlike that of any native animal such as coyotes that the witness was familiar with. In February, a witness reported observing a 7-8 feet tall hair covered creature in daylight. Later that month, a series of 5 toed footprints with a large stride between them were observed in the snow. In March, an unusual light anomaly was captured on a game camera in the ridge area.


I am also receiving other reports from various locations in Pennsylvania concerning UFO sightings and possible Bigfoot activity.

If you have seen anything unusual recently or in the past, I would be interested in hearing from you. You can email me at or call me at 724-838-7768.

Did A Giant UFO Cause Power Outage?

A Classic UFO Case from the Files of Stan Gordon

Did A Giant UFO Cause Power Outage?

September 3, 1987

Greensburg, Pennsylvania

From Stan’s book, “Really Mysterious Pennsylvania.”

Artist Depiction of UFO Incident near Greensburg, PA . Drawing by Robert McCurry

It was the evening of September 3, 1987, when a strange aerial object appeared low in the sky over a busy shopping area on Route 30, east of Greensburg. It was about 8:30 p.m. when a group of people, including law enforcement officers, standing near the movie theater complex behind the Greengate Mall, saw something unusual in the sky. Looking toward the west about a quarter of a mile away, they saw an object approaching as it crossed over Route 30, moving over high-tension power lines and toward the West Penn Power substation. The station was located behind the Greengate Apartments and across the highway from the mall.

Their first impression was that it was a blimp, but their perception soon changed. The object was immense in size. The cigar-shaped object was estimated to be about three hundred feet in length. One witness stated that, to him, the object looked to be the length of two Goodyear blimps, and about as thick as one blimp. The elongated construct appeared to be a solid craft with a silver or dull gray surface. Moving at about fifty to sixty miles an hour, no sound was discernible. The object was quite low and moving about three hundred feet above the ground. The entire object had many brilliant blinking lights that were white in color, flanked by bright flashing red lights on each end.

The observers continued to watch the object as it moved in a smooth horizontal path. Then the object suddenly made a maneuver that stunned them. The football-field sized object suddenly turned vertically in the sky. For a moment, the power in the area suddenly went off in the Greengate Mall and the surrounding area. The view of the object was blocked for a short time by the trees, but when it was seen again, it had returned to its original horizontal stance.

It was later that same evening when a major power failure occurred in the annex of the Greengate Mall at the theater complex. It was my understanding that the theater area received its power from the power substation near which the object had passed. A crew from West Penn Power arrived on the scene and discovered that all three of the main fuses located in the feed line had been blown. It was also my understanding in speaking with some electrical engineers at the time that this sort of event, when several fuses blow simultaneously, was quite unusual. What this object was, and where it went to, remains unknown.

Two very Similar UFO Photos from Pennsylvania Taken Two Years Apart

Two very Similar UFO Photos from Pennsylvania Taken Two Years Apart

From Researcher: Stan Gordon

A witness contacted me during March, of 2021, and shared with me his experience of observing a strange object in the sky. The man lives in the Latrobe, PA area. He was outside taking a walk on the evening of October 14, 2020, when he looked up into the sky and noticed a bright light moving slowly. The light however began to change positions and moved in different directions as he continued to observe it.

The object appeared to become larger in size and gave the impression that it was shaped somewhat like a boomerang with three separated lights. The object appeared to be hovering and not moving, and lower in altitude than the small aircraft that land at the local Arnold Palmer airport. The lights on the object were amber in color. The witness was able to obtain one picture before the object moved off.

(Object in original picture taken October 14, 2020, near Latrobe, PA, used with permission of the witness.)

(Enlargement of the Latrobe photo used with permission of the witness)

When I saw the picture for the first time it looked very familiar. I looked back in my file and realized how similar it was to a picture that was taken about two years earlier in Cambria County.

Cambria CountyDuring September of 2018, a number of UFO sighting reports originated from observers from locations between Johnstown and Ebensburg. Many of the reports were of unusual lights in the sky, and what was observed was not typical of navigational lighting on aircraft. A witness reported an object that hovered in place, then moments later would quickly jet across the sky to another location.

Other people in the area reportedly observed a V shaped object with three separated lights.  A photograph of the object was taken near South Fork by a local resident. The photo as seen below is very similar to the object taken near Latrobe in 2020.

Photograph of UFO over Cambria County, Pa in September of 2018.
(Photo used with permission of the witness)


UFO and Cryptid Encounters Active in Pennsylvania During 2020 Despite the COVID-19 Scare

UFO and Cryptid Encounters Active in Pennsylvania During 2020 Despite the COVID-19 Scare

From Researcher: Stan Gordon

I have discussed in my past writings that 2018 was quite active in Pennsylvania with reports of UFO sightings and encounters with Bigfoot, various cryptids and other strange creatures and unusual occurrences.

The 2019 year continued to be busy with some detailed reports concerning UFO and cryptid incidents. Reports of these strange encounters continued to be reported throughout 2020, even though many people had the COVID-19 situation on their minds.

The year 2020 signified my 61 years of research investigating UFOs, Bigfoot and other mysterious incidents that were reported from Pennsylvania. I have been taking sighting reports from the public since 1969, and the calls continue to come in during each year along with many email reports. It still surprises many people that I have never seen a UFO or even a Bigfoot during my many journeys through the woodlands and forests of the Keystone state. Although my focus is on cases reported from Pennsylvania, I also receive unusual sighting reports from neighboring states and from across the country.

During 2020, some UFO sightings were apparently misidentifications of natural or man-made objects such as the bright planets Venus and Jupiter, luminous meteors, aircraft towing advertising signs, sky lanterns and Starlink satellite observations. There were even some interesting weather-related reports such as sightings of ice pillars.

Sightings of UFOs of various shapes such as spheres, triangles, rectangles, and elongated cigar shaped were reported throughout the year. Encounters with smaller spheres of light seen at close range were also observed. I have referred to those smaller objects for many years as mini-UFOs. I talked with first and secondhand witnesses concerning Bigfoot and other cryptid encounters. There were also reports of mystery booms from various locations.

The following are some of the interesting cases that came to my attention during 2020.

January 15-A motorist looking toward Latrobe observed a large object in the sky that looks like two large aircraft side by side. About the same time, there was a report of a loud boom that shook the area around Latrobe.

January 23-At 7:35 AM, a man traveling northbound on Route 79 near the Lone Pine exit in Washington County observed a gray triangular object moving east to west below the cloud layer. There was one very bright light that appeared to be at the front of the object and looked like a huge bright blue-white LED. The witness could make out the shape of the object and described it as triangular and thick and like the design of a stealth bomber. There were no navigational lights on the object. The driver slowed down to get a better look at the object, but it suddenly just vanished from sight and was not seen again.

January-Armstrong County-A resident reported strange spheres of light near her property. For many years numerous area residents have been reporting UFO and Bigfoot activity in this area.

February-Dan Hageman of the BORU research group received numerous sighting reports of cylindrical and egg-shaped objects around Butler County. One report involved a cylinder-shaped object moving at a fast speed that came to a sudden stop in a split second. A sphere then emitted from the cylinder and  the two objects moved off in different directions.

February 28- Two witnesses watching the moon near Blairsville reported observing a sphere of light surrounded by four smaller lights. They watched the object for a few minutes. They turned away from the object for a short time and when they looked back the object and lights were gone. They checked an app to see if any aircraft were flying in the area and none were indicated at that time.

March 8- Hikers on a trail near Rector reported hearing a strange loud noise that they could not explain. They got close to the area where it seemed to originate from but found no source. The sound appeared to follow them for a distance then suddenly just stopped.

March 8- A resident of the Laurel Highlands reported a small gray sphere about two feet in diameter floating around in the house. (I have investigated numerous incidents involving “mini-UFOs” since the 1960s.)

March 24- A short trail of small footprints were seen in the wet ground in Derry Township in the vicinity of the Chestnut Ridge. The tracks were 8-10 inches long and about 3-4 inches wide. One of the tracks had a clear impression of just three toes. Both right and left tracks were observed. (Over the years larger five and three toed footprints have been found near this area and elsewhere. There have been similar smaller footprints also found around the ridge area and surrounding locations in past years.)

A section of the Chestnut Ridge near Derry, PA. Many Bigfoot and other cryptid encounters have been reported all along the ridge.

March 27- This took place in a rural area of the Laurel Highlands. During the afternoon, a man had entered a garage building through a door that had been left open. Suddenly a large animal approached from the back of the building and past the man from 10 feet away. The witness was sure that what he saw could only be described as a black panther. The body of the huge feline was about 3-3 ½ feet long and the witness estimated the weight at about 50-80 pounds. The jet-black animal ran out the door and into the nearby woods. The witness could hear the loud sound of its paws hitting the ground as though galloping as it ran past him.

March- Spheres of light have been showing up on security cameras from fields on a property in Fayette County where for several years various mysterious events have been observed by different witnesses. There have been reports of strange cries and howls, odd footprints, Bigfoot sightings and other paranormal experiences reported. Other strange activity has also been reported by other residents in the same general area.

April- During this month, information was obtained from various sources concerning various phenomena that had been reported. Bigfoot researcher Eric Altman received reports of odd vocalizations heard on the Derry side of the Chestnut Ridge. Triangular shaped objects and lights in triangular formations were reportedly seen in Cambria and Indiana counties. A mystery boom was reportedly felt by many people in Westmoreland County. Other reports of loud booms have been reported from various locations earlier in the year.

May 16- A group of people near Williamsport, saw two objects in the northeast rise from the ground about 30 seconds apart and from two different locations. The first object was about the size of a dime in the sky and emitted a bright orange glow and silent. The glow suddenly went out and a jet-black shape that looked somewhat like a stealth bomber moved steadily across the sky toward the east. The second object also moved across the sky and was lost from sight in the distance.

May 27- a witness was outside and getting some fresh air. The incident took place a few miles away from Donegal. The witness was watching some deer in a field across the road. It was dark, but there was some illumination around the field. The deer were suddenly frightened by something and they ran from the area. It was moments later that the witness saw a tall dark humanoid figure that appeared to be over 6 feet tall.

The figure itself was very dark and the arms were bent and did not swing as it moved. The movement of the figure was unusual as it did not seem to be running but rather gliding across the field. It moved extremely fast crossing about 75 yards in about 10 seconds. Whatever it was moved out of sight and was not seen again. The witness did not know what was seen but was sure that it was not human.

May 27- Three witnesses traveling during daylight on a bumpy road in a rural area of Cambria county observe something large lying down about 120 feet ahead of them. They were quite surprised to see that it was a black panther that rose from the ground, looked directly at them, then ran up a hill by a high-tension power line. The animal was described as jet black in color, with a body 4-5 feet long and at least a 3 feet long tail.

June 10- It was sunny and warm during the morning when a man riding near Derry in Westmoreland county saw a huge black animal in a field that he was certain was a black panther. When he first saw it, the animal was about 80-100 yards away. The body looked to be about 4 feet long. The tail was about 3 feet long and all black.

The witness watched the animal for a short time then decided to drive down the road a short distance to get a friend to come back to the field with him so he could confirm what he was seeing. When they returned to the location of the sighting the huge feline was still there in the field at a distance. They stopped the vehicle and ran through the field. The one fellow had his camera and was preparing to take a picture. The animal never looked at them but took off along the tree line and moved away before the man could get his picture.

June- From outside of Pittsburgh, loud whoops were heard emanating from a heavily wooded location.  Large trees have reportedly been falling in that same area as well. This is the general area where others have reported odd sounds and Bigfoot sightings have been reported in the last few years. During June in Fayette county where Bigfoot sightings have been reported for many years, sounds of breaking branches, high pitched whistling and loud whoops were heard.

June 25- A resident was taking pictures of a beautiful sunset not far from Murrysville. The witness saw in the distance what appeared to be a jet liner that just suddenly appeared. The man ran for his camera thinking that it would make a nice picture. As he continued to watch he realized that the shape of the jet looked odd. He quickly realized that there were two separate dark objects that were flying very close together but not at the same altitude. The object in front seemed to be slightly higher than the second one.

The objects looked like two cylinders that were like a fuselage with no wings. They were dark, offset, and silent. The second object had what appeared to be a vertical tail section. There were no navigational lights on either object. The objects were only seen for seconds as they entered the tip of a slender cloud.

The photographer grabbed his 35mm camera to prepare it to take a picture of the objects when they exited the cloud. The man stood there for 20 minutes, but the objects were never seen again, and the cloud faded away. A search of a flight App found no indication of any aircraft crossing the area at the time of the sighting.

Sketches of the objects used with permission of the witness.

July 11- Irwin-A man taking his dog for a leisurely walk that evening was interrupted by the sound of several dogs barking loud and running down the road. That situation concerned the man, so he took his dog inside, grabbed a flashlight and went back outside to look around. He looked toward the northwest and observed a large circular glowing red object that was rising from the ground about a mile away. As he watched, the object moved east then turned southeast and moved in his direction.

The object moved steadily while maintaining the same altitude and approached as close as 5-6 houses away and was only about 200 feet off the ground. The object was completely silent. The man did not have his phone with him to take a picture. The witness said the object looked to be about 20-30 feet in diameter and about the size of a small house. There was a pulsating red glow emitting from the object.

While the object had a definitive shape, it appeared to be semi-transparent. One section of the object seemed to be darker in color than the other areas, and what looked like circuit board lines were going through some sections of the object. The object was about to pass over the man when he was distracted by the sound of more dogs approaching and barking loudly. The man turned away and when he looked back, the object was overhead but had risen to about 1,000 feet high. The object moved off toward the east but was blocked by trees as moved further in the distance.

Graphic of the object used with permission of the witness

June-July- Reports of strange incidents were received from various sources. I received secondhand accounts of Bigfoot encounters. Near Monessen, a resident reported seeing a massive black bird flapping its wings very slowly over the river. There have been several Thunderbird sightings in that area in past years. UFO sightings were reported from various locations across the state. Strange footprints were reported near Mount Pleasant.

August- A hiker walking through the woods in Jefferson county during the afternoon saw something that baffled him. About 100-200 feet in the distance, he noticed a very tall figure standing between two trees. The area was very dense and not close to public access. As he continued to watch, he realized that what he was seeing was not a human, deer, or a black bear. The creature moved slightly then took off running extremely fast down a hillside to its left and did not come near the witness.

The witness stated that the creature ran faster than any human could possibly run. Even stranger, he did not hear any sound as it moved through the foliage and rocks. The creature looked to be about 8-10 feet tall, and the general shape of the figure was distinct. The arms and legs were narrow, and the arms appeared to be bent at about a 20-degree angle and held out straight. The arms did not swing as it moved. The witness also mentioned that the entire time he watched the creature it looked as though it was out of focus. This account has some similarity to the incident reported near Donegal on May 27th.

August 30- A man and his wife were taking an afternoon scenic drive and were close to the Pennsylvania/ Maryland border. This is in the vicinity where Fayette and Somerset counties in Pennsylvania connect with Maryland. The husband was driving and was startled when his wife suddenly stated that she believed she had seen a Bigfoot several miles back as they were driving.

He asked her why she did not say anything when she saw it. She indicated that she was so shocked by what she saw that she could not speak. The woman told me during our interview that she was looking out the passenger window when she saw a tall and thin hair covered creature walking near a power line. It was only about 40 feet away and she watched as it took two steps and moved into the woods.

The creature never looked toward the vehicle. She said the creature was 6-7 feet tall and thin. The head was somewhat oval shaped. The side of the face looked somewhat ape-like in appearance. The body was covered in dark brown hair. It walked upright and had very long arms that hung down to the kneecaps. Her husband turned the car around and went back to the area of the sighting, but the creature was not there. His wife told me she is certain of what she saw and stated, “Now I believe it.”

September- Residents in Armstrong county reported loud screams and howls coming from the woods during the early morning hours. The dogs in the area appeared very upset at the time. Up on the Derry side of the Chestnut ridge, loud and long whoops were heard and a tree was reportedly seen shaking. A tall creature was seen moving in the distance through a series of bushes in Fayette county.

October- Lon Strickler from the excellent Phantoms & Monsters website received a report from a man who reportedly had a Bigfoot encounter during the first week of October 2020, in Bald Eagle State Park. The creature was described as standing at least 8 feet tall and covered in dark brown hair. You can read the entire story here:

October 7- Monroeville- On the evening of October 7, 2020, a witness was on her back deck when she noticed some movement from the corner of her left eye in the sky. As the witness continued to watch she realized that she was seeing a huge oversized bird that was completely gray in color. She said the best way to describe the size of the creature was comparing it to a hawk but about five times that size. The woman estimated that the wingspan was about 14-15 feet from tip to tip. She was not able to determine if the body was covered with feathers. The flying creature was about 40 feet over the top of some trees about 15-20 feet away from the house.

November 10- Natrona Heights- During the afternoon, a witness reported seeing a cylinder-shaped object that appeared to be solid with a slight dome at the top. The object was white in color, and no lights or windows were observed. The object moved steadily toward the northwest.

November 26- (Maryland) It was during the nice sunny morning of Thanksgiving Day that a motorist saw something quite unusual. That witness was traveling east not far from Princess Anne, Maryland when the incident occurred. The driver observed what appeared to be an oversized bird about 50-70 yards away standing in the middle of the road on the opposite side. The driver of the vehicle pulled off the road and got out of the vehicle to have a better look.

The creature did not seem to realize that it was being observed and did not look toward the witness. The giant bird was estimated to stand at least 4 feet tall. The entire creature, as well as the feathers, appeared to be brownish gray in color. The winged creature seemed to stay in place and did not move around much. The feature that stood out to the witness was the enormous wingspan. The wings were spread out and the observer estimated that they took up about 80% of the width of the road. The road width was estimated to be between 16-20 feet. It could not be determined what the creature was doing since the witness was seeing the creature from its back side.

The witness was so startled by the occurrence that the thought of taking a picture never occurred. While the creature was still there, two men in a large utility truck approached the area.  They also stopped and were looking at the giant bird. They were still there when the initial witness left the area and continued down the road. The witness is a very experienced hunter and is quite familiar with the birds of Maryland. This creature appeared to be quite unusual and seemed to fit in the category of a Thunderbird.

December 11- Pittsburgh area-A man was walking his dog when he looked up and saw what looked like a bright meteor in the sky that seemed to be moving in his direction. Seconds later, he observed a triangular shaped object that looked like a larger stealth fighter. The witness could see through it, however, and it moved faster than a jet, but it was silent. In one to two seconds, it just seemed to disappear. The witness was quite shaken by what he saw. It gave him the impression that it was cloaking.

If you would like to report an UFO, Bigfoot, cryptid, or other type of strange incident I can be reached via email at: or phone at: 724-838-7768.

Did You See That Bright Fireball Over The Greater Pittsburgh Area This Morning? (September 30, 2020)

Did You See That Bright Fireball Over The Greater Pittsburgh Area This Morning? (September 30, 2020)
From Researcher: Stan Gordon

Many early risers reported seeing a bright fireball crossing the sky over the Greater Pittsburgh area around 6:25 AM this morning. The American Meteor Society (AMS) reported numerous observations from the Pittsburgh area, other sections of Pennsylvania and many other states including Ohio, Maryland, and West Virginia.

From information that I have been receiving, people using social media have been discussing the bright flash in the sky. One witness I talked with thought initially that it was lightning.

While it is common to see a bright meteor streak across the sky on a clear night, observations of these extraordinarily bright fireball meteors known as Bolides are not nearly as common.  In some cases they are so bright they can be observed in daylight.

During my many years of investigating UFO reports, I have received numerous sightings of fireball meteors as well. Many UFO sightings are often misidentifications of natural or manmade objects.

As recent as June 7, 2020, a brilliant fireball was observed over Westmoreland County, the Greater Pittsburgh area and other states as well. Some other bright fireball meteors were reported on September 14, 2014 and February 17, 2015. In some cases photos or videos have been taken of these objects.

If you saw the bright fireball this morning and would like to share the details of what you saw I can be reached at 724-838-7768 or email:

Bigfoot activity continues to be reported in Pennsylvania and nearby states During 2020

Bigfoot activity continues to be reported in Pennsylvania and nearby states During 2020:

From Researcher: Stan Gordon

Bigfoot Sketch by Charles Hanna

On the afternoon of August 30, 2020, a man and his wife were taking a scenic drive and were close to the Pennsylvania/Maryland border. This is in the vicinity of where Fayette and Somerset counties of Pennsylvania connect with Maryland. The husband was driving the vehicle and watching ahead on the road. As they continued their journey, his wife suddenly said, “I think I saw a Bigfoot. It was very tall and had long arms.”

Her husband, who believed in the possibility of Bigfoot, asked her where she saw it. The sighting had taken place a short time before she mentioned what she saw. The man asked his wife why she didn’t say anything when she actually saw it. His wife commented that when she saw it she was so shocked that she couldn’t speak. The woman told me during our interview, that she was looking out the passenger side window when she saw a tall and thin hair covered creature walking near a power line. It was about 40 feet away and she watched as it took two steps and moved off into the nearby woods.

The creature never looked toward the car. The witness observed the creature for a few seconds, and saw it from its left side as it moved away. She described the creature to be at least 6-7 feet tall and thin. The head appeared to be oval in shape. The side of the face looked somewhat ape-like in appearance. The creature was covered with dark brown hair. It walked upright and had very long arms that hung down to the knee caps. There were no sounds or odors noticed at the time she saw it.

As soon as she mentioned the observation to her husband, he turned the vehicle around and went back to try to find the location where she had seen the creature. They looked around but it was not seen again. The witness never believed in Bigfoot or had any interest in the stories about the creature. The witness told me that she is certain what she saw and stated, “Now I believe it.”

Other reports of possible Bigfoot activity:

During the past several months I have heard reports of unusual footprints being found in various locations of Pennsylvania and West Virginia. I have talked with researchers and other people who provided information concerning recent Bigfoot encounters from Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia.

 There have also been reports of loud whoops and strange howls from different locations as well. There has also been some possible Bigfoot activity occurring on the Westmoreland side of the Chestnut Ridge. Some recent Bigfoot encounters have reportedly taken place in Fayette County and are currently being investigated.

If you have seen anything unusual you can contact me via email at: or via phone at 724-838-7768.