Black Sphere Hovers Over Trees During Snow Storm in Fayette County, PA


Black Sphere Hovers Over Trees During Snow Storm in Fayette County, PA

 This report was submitted by Researcher Jim Brown and was used with his permission.


Report was received at 11:00 AM, 24 Jan, 2019.

Witness contacted me via e-mail.

Location of sighting:  near Hopwood, Pa.

Time of sighting:  9:30 AM

Point of observation:  Outdoors while clearing snow from porch steps.

Weather conditions:  Snowing moderately

Description of event as derived from both initial report and phone



e-mail:  I was clearing the snow from my front steps and noticed what

looked to be a black ball hovering in the sky.  It was over the trees in

front of the house and just seemed to be floating there.  What was

strange was that it was growing larger but not moving closer.


It just sat there in the sky for about 2 minutes.  I tried to take a picture

with my phone but as soon as I got the phone out snow had hit the camera

lens and the picture blurred out.  The ball then slowly began moving away

and also was shrinking in size.  It hadn’t gone very far then it just shrank out of

sight.  That was the last I saw of it.  I watched it for no more than

about 5 minutes.


Additional details obtained by questioning on the phone:  24 Jan, 2019, 2:00 PM

The witness describes the object as a very black ball or sphere with no

other details observed.  It was about twice the apparent size of a full

moon when at its largest size.  When asked what drew his attention to it

he said it was just there when he looked up.  He could not say if it was

there prior to his first seeing it since he had just gone outside.  He

could not say how it first appeared in the sky.


I asked about how far away it was and based on the fact it was snowing

moderately at the time and the witness statement that the object was

clearly visible it was determined that it was within about 300 feet of

his point of observation.  Beyond that the snow would have obscured his



There was no sound associated with the sighting. The attempt to

photograph the object was prevented likely by a snowflake hitting the

camera lens and causing the image to be blocked.  He described the

picture he did obtain and said it was streaked / blurred and nothing could be

identified.  (Witness will make the picture available and I will attempt

to verify the snowflake hypothesis as to why it failed to show.)


He said the object remained motionless for about two minutes then very

slowly moved about 45 degrees horizontally above the trees, remaining

visible the entire time. It should be noted that assuming the distance

of 300 feet and the distance covered by the motion of the object, its speed

would have been a matter of a few feet per second.  However at that speed

the size reduction could not be accounted for based on  distance, and

had the motion been away from the point of observation, snow falling would

have obscured visibility before the object was out of sight. Thus it is

apparent the actual size of the object was changing until it was too

small to be seen, not a factor of it moving away from the observer.


The witness reported no other effects, and no negative or positive

emotional aspects.  He had no inclination as to what it was, and made no

claims of UFO or other speculations.  He did go out and investigate

around the trees, nothing physical was found.   At his location it would not be

expected any other witnesses would have also observed it, however he

will check with neighbors and if they too saw something. He will pass

along my contact information.


Update 28 January, 2019 .  I did receive the image he made and nothing

Is visible.  I can concur with what we determined earlier though, the image

is distorted as a result of what appears to be water on the lens.  One

can only see varied blotches of light and dark to the extent the trees

appear as dark areas on the lower portion of the image. There is no sign of

the object nor any detail of anything that might be in the area above the


No further work expected on this case unless additional data is received.