The Winter Months of 2019 Have Been Very Active with Strange Reports in Pennsylvania

The Winter Months of 2019 Have Been Very Active with Strange Reports in Pennsylvania

From Researcher: Stan Gordon

Snow storm on January 25, 2014, at Greensburg, PA

I have been unusually busy during the winter months of 2019, checking into numerous reports from across the state of UFO sightings, cryptid reports, and other anomalies. Some of the UFO cases were determined to be meteorological in nature and identified as “light pillars” in the sky.

On January 22nd in Tioga County, two people that afternoon observed a luminous orange ball that moved around and hovered before ascending into the sky and exiting the area. Two days later, another daylight UFO sighting took place near Hopwood in Fayette County. The witness was shoveling snow that was falling heavily at the time. The man looked up to see a black sphere hovering about 300 feet over some trees. As the man watched the object it seemed to diminish in size rather than then move away. The witness attempted to take pictures of the object however the snow was so heavy he wasn’t able to obtain a clear image of it. That case was investigated by researcher Jim Brown.

Odd howls and screams continued to be reported from various locations, and more strange footprints  showed up in a fresh snow in Derry Township in Westmoreland County. This area is close to the Chestnut Ridge where Bigfoot activity has been very active for many years.  In early February, on a rural road outside of Greensburg, a 7-8 feet tall creature with dark brown hair and long arms walked across the road in front of a vehicle during the early morning hours.

There were a number of reports of possible “Thunderbird” sightings from various locations as well. I am still interviewing some witnesses. I am also aware of other similar huge flying creature reports that were taking place during this same time period from around the country.

Mystery booms that shook houses were very active in Pennsylvania (and other states) during 2018, and these reports have continued into 2019 as well.

I am also receiving many unreported incidents from 2018, including a Black Panther encounter from  Westmoreland County that occurred in December.

Stan in his radio communications center

Stan in his radio communications center

If you have any strange incidents that you would like to share, I can be reached at 724-838-7768 or